
Meet our Indigenous Student Coordinator

Introducing our new Indigenous Student Coordinator

Dear Parents and Carers of Indigenous Students,

Yaama maliyaa. Hello friends.

I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Hannah Pollard and in 2022 I have taken on the role of Indigenous Student Co-ordinator at Calrossy. I grew up near Tingha, on Nucoorilma Gamilaroi land and have always held a deep respect for the land, her people and culture. I am a farmer and a teacher and have previously been a youth worker and chaplain.

This email is just a “hello” to our Indigenous families and supporters, both current and prospective. I’m very keen to have a good flow of communication, especially about the needs of students who need extra support, and to have your advice on how we can promote respect and a love of culture in Calrossy.

This year ·¬ÇÑÖ±²¥apphas more than 60 Indigenous students and I will be working across all parts of the School to improve the educational outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. I’ll also be gathering ideas for how we can celebrate Indigenous culture and ensure that we have an inclusive and welcoming community.

I would like to acknowledge the Gamilaroi and Gomeroi people, who are the traditional custodians of the land, and pay my respects to elders both past and present and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Hannah Pollard

Indigenous Student Coordinator